I want to be healthy. This is fairly profound statement and one that can also be elusive. I've tried to figure out what this really means to me and I feel that ultimately I need an outlet to explore what this really means. This way I can explore this process organically and not be stuck on an idea of what health is and can allow it to change as my needs change.
Three fold health. Defined by me as the three parts of my life that I want to improve. Physical, mental and spiritual it's all connected in my book. If I want to be healthy, truly healthy I need to make improvements in all aspects. This will include a few goals and statements to help me on the way to a better me.
I feel the best way is to make small changes in my life on a daily basis. These small changes are bound to take a firmer root and lead to overall greater changes and ultimately greater health. Here are the first few:
1) in the physical realm I want to be more active. I don't have what one would call a "sedentary" lifestyle. It's more about increasing my over all activity. It's not just about exercising more, even tho I plan to do more of that, it's about just doing more active things in my free time.
2) eating healthier. Although I eat fairly healthy, I want to tighten the belt on my diet. I want to enjoy my food while eating for a healthier life. I'm looking to have a solid foundation of healthy eating so that when there is to be a little indulgence it won't break the cycle of health. This includes eating more plant based food and less animal products, limiting portion size and drinking less alcohol and more water. This along with being more active will allow me to lose/maintain a healthier weight.
3) I really enjoy having people over but when I do I have to scramble to clean my apartment since I tend to live like a slob. I hope to overcome this by develop a simple system of everything in it's place so the clutter doesn't ever get really out of control. This includes clothes on the floor, dishes in the sink, clean and well stocked fridge, trash and recycling getting out of control, and overall cleanliness of my apartment. I feel that if I have a system for everything I will be able to combat the clutter that exists. Lack of clutter in my living space will allow for a less cluttered life and mind.
4) I want to encourage more mental pursuits. I want to read more books, meditate on a regular basis and re-new my pursuit of Buddhist studies. This will simply be me taking some time every day to do at least one of these if not more a day.
while this is not a complete list of all the changes I want to make it's a start. Again this is about process and progress and I have to start somewhere so this is where I choose to begin. Anything and any time I need help to define or refine what I need out of this process/progress I'll turn back to this blog. I will also use this blog to post anything that pertains to this pursuit.
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