Wednesday, January 4, 2012


There are a few things that I find really easy to do in the morning.  I used to have to get up at 5 every morning with only 15 minutes to get myself ready and out the door so I could get to work.  Since I don't have to do that anymore it makes it easy to get up at 7, make breakfast for me and my partner, get food packed for the day, check some email/facebook, and a few other chores around the house. 

However the one thing that is not easy to do is exercise.  I don't know how many times I've had the intention of getting up in the morning and going to work out before the day gets to long, but it rarely gets to that point.  Instead I fall back on this whole idea of "I don't have to do it."  and if I don't have to do it I won't. 

The solution comes in the form of a studio down from where I live that offers many disciplines such as: pilates/yoga/barre/TRX/ and so on.  What I've noted about this place is that they have many classes at all times of the day but I feel I'd still get the most benefit if I did it in the morning.  So here's the plan: each night before bed I'll go on-line and schedule a class that I'll do the next morning. Now since they have a fee if you cancel/don't show up for class if it's 8 hours before the class starts I'm hoping this will be enough motivation for me to do it every morning.  That I'll be able to feel that sense of "I have to do this, I've already paid for it." 

I know it's for my physical health and I know it's a goal of mine to improve health in many aspects.  It's just that sometimes you need another motive to help you stay on track.  At least I do.

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